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Growing and Monetizing Instagram using AI is easier than ever. 

But most people aren’t taking advantage of the latest tools or they’re using vanilla prompts they’ve copy and pasted from the internet without unlocking their true potential.

It’s no wonder the title of “Prompt Engineer” is becoming the next big thing in Silicon Valley.

In this issue, I’ll share 4 AI scripts that can help you explode your Instagram growth and drive more leads for your online business. These have saved me dozens of hours per month from generating content ideas to writing video scripts, these tools will level up your Instagram game.

Let’s dive right in and explore what works based on real experiences and numbers.

We’ll be using Claude 2 (over at, but feel free to use ChatGPT or Bard (Google’s ai) if you prefer.

Prompt #1: 30 Story ideas for more leads [Get the prompt]

Coming up with fresh story ideas daily can be draining.

That’s why I created a simple AI script for generating endless story prompts.

Just copy and paste it into your favorite AI tool (I use Claude) and watch dozens of ideas flow in seconds. This one trick alone has doubled my story engagement.

Prompt #2: Unlimited Content Generator [Get the Prompt]

Creating content that goes viral takes more than just luck.

With this script, you can tap into AI to research trends, analyze competitors, and get proven content ideas tailored to your niche.

I went from struggling for ideas to having a constant surplus. My views and saves have skyrocketed as a result.

Prompt #3: 28-day Product Launch Content Strategy [Get the Prompt]

Launching a new product?

Use this script to create an entire collection of launch content from scratch. AI will craft posts, captions, and ideas to maximize sales.

I’ve been using this to help me craft my upcoming course launch in September. The exact launch formula is now just a click away.

Prompt #4: Viral Video Script Writer [Get The Prompt]

Coming up with what to say on video can be a creativity killer.

This script helps you automatically generate a full video script personalized to your niche.

I simply describe my topic, target audience and length – and AI outputs a video script ready to record. It’s saved me hours on prepping and recording my content.


The future is now.

Stop struggling and start leveraging AI to grow your Instagram.

These 4 scripts are game-changers for creators of all levels. Give them a try and watch your account thrive.

Here’s a TLDR recap:

1. 30 Day Stories Strategy Prompt
2. Unlimited Content Generator
3. Write your Pre-Launch Strategy
4. Script writer for your short form videos

Talk soon,


ps. If you haven’t picked up my Stories to Sales templates, do that here, over 1,100 people downloaded them this week.

Pps. My $100k Creator programis launching soon, this program is going to be epic! if you want in on the waitlist (and exclusive pricing) — keep your eyes on your inbox, I’ll send an invite.